Monday 29 July 2024

Weightlessness Therapy

Weightlessness Therapy

On Saturday, my husband and I travelled to the town of Shrewsbury, where we discovered a special relaxation room. In recent years, the so-called "Floating bath" has become a popular method for achieving complete body relaxation. English or Epsom salt is known for its healing and soothing properties, as well as being an important source of magnesium sulphate. In such a warm salt solution, the human body is freed from the burden of gravity, allowing muscles to completely relax. We decided to try this "floating bath."

At the salon, we were greeted by the owner, Kevin, who showed us the bath, explained how to use it, and left us alone. I would say this egg-shaped relaxation device looked more like a spaceship capsule from science fiction movies.

The capsule bath was filled with water. I got in, lay down in the water, and closed the lid. Wow! I didn’t sink as usual but instead floated on the surface of the water. Soft music started playing, accompanied by a display of various coloured lights. After 5 minutes, the music and lights turned off, leaving me in darkness. I tried to move and enjoyed the sensation! I felt as if I was in a state of weightlessness. The capsule was spacious and long, allowing me to float both across and along its length, feeling like an astronaut in space. It is said that similar sensations can be experienced in the waters of the Dead Sea. I don't know for sure, as I have never been to Israel to compare.

After 40 minutes of this "flight into space," the lights came back on, and the water began to drain. Once the water was gone, I tried to stand up, but my muscles felt strangely stiff. However, I knew what to do. I lay back, relaxed, and calmly got up. The parts of my body that had been above the water were covered in salt, which was quite surprising. After the session, I felt a pleasant sense of lightness and tranquility. My skin was smooth, all negative thoughts had vanished, and my husband said I looked 10 years younger.

That’s how I flew naked into the space!

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