Monday 19 August 2024

"Bringing Hearts Together: A Journey from Page to Screen with 'Way of the Heart'"



1. Can you tell us about your book "Way of the Heart" and what inspired you to write it?


   "Way of the Heart" is a deeply personal story that reflects the struggles and resilience of people facing tremendous challenges in their lives. The inspiration came from observing the harsh realities many people face today—particularly those who are forced to leave their homes in search of a better life. Asta's character, for example, is inspired by the countless strong women who sacrifice everything for their families. Firaz’s journey reflects the struggles of those who flee persecution. The story is about love, survival, and the unyielding human spirit. It’s about finding hope even in the darkest times.

2. The story features characters from very different backgrounds. What message do you hope to convey through their journey?


   The main message of "Way of the Heart" is that love and humanity transcend cultural, religious, and geographical boundaries. Asta and Firaz come from very different worlds, but their experiences of loss, longing, and hope bring them together. Through their journey, I wanted to show that no matter how different our backgrounds might be, we all share common human experiences. I hope readers and viewers alike will see the power of love and resilience in the face of adversity.

3. What has been the most challenging part of turning your book into a screenplay?


   Adapting a book into a screenplay is a challenging process because you have to distill the essence of the story into a visual and dialog-driven format. It requires deciding which parts of the narrative are most crucial to the story's emotional core and how to express those elements through dialogue, action, and cinematography. One of the biggest challenges was ensuring that the depth of Asta’s and Firaz’s experiences and emotions translated effectively to the screen while keeping the story engaging and visually compelling.

 4. What do you hope a film adaptation of "Way of the Heart" will achieve?


   I hope the film adaptation of "Way of the Heart" will resonate with a broad audience and bring greater awareness to the struggles faced by refugees and immigrants. More than that, I want it to be a story that inspires hope and empathy. I believe that film has the power to move people in a unique way, and I hope that through Asta and Firaz’s story, viewers will be reminded of the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of love. Ultimately, my dream is for the film to spark conversations about compassion, understanding, and the need for solidarity in our increasingly divided world.

 5. How has your experience been sharing the screenplay at film festivals?

Albumo "Kūrybos kaleidoskopas: šviesos spinduliai literatūros ir meno pasaulyje"

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